Who am I?

My name is Emmett Moulton and I am currently living in Gijón Spain with my girlfriend Katrina (Check out her website here!) Together, we both work in different schools as English language assistants. Our job is to provide native level English exposure to the students through songs, dances, activities, presentations, and other mediums. I work with grades first through sixth (Two different schools too). I was living and doing the same program in Almería, (you can read about that experience here.)

In May 2022, I graduated from the University of New Mexico with a degree in Elementary Education and minor in TESOL. I also got endorsed in both math and language arts.
That same spring, I was student teaching in a 4th grade classroom in Albuquerque NM full time (unpaid except for experience and sub jobs). I also had prior experience in the same classroom the semesters prior.

Rather than jumping straight into teaching back in NM (my work goal), my girlfriend and I wanted to get out and explore the world while we had zero things holding us down. Además, queríamos practicar español en un lugar con menos inglés.

I have volunteered at our local library for most of my life, I mentored middle school students in high school, I also help local residents with computer issues (if you need some virtual tech support, check out my page here).

I also used to be a member of Cafe Scientifique Espanola where we would facilitate a presentation given by a scientist from the Los Alamos National Labs. The team and I were responsible for contacting the presenter, organizing food, advertising, and setting up for the event.

Last Updated on October 5, 2023 by Emmett Moulton