
My email is
Phone number can be requested through email

Because I am living in Spain, international calls can be a little expensive. So, the way around this is using a free messaging app called WhatsApp. It is used throughout the world and is a free calling platform.

If you have a cellphone: Simply download the WhatsApp application on IOS or Android and go through the simple setup (It is super easy, here are Android Directions, and iPhone Directions). Then, you can add me as a contact and we will call through there.

If you do NOT have a cellphone: And only have a landline, it could be a little tricky to get this done. If you have a family member/relative/friend that can loan you their cellphone, it will make this process a lot easier.

If you have Zoom or another virtual meeting option available, we can use that. This will be discussed via email. The only downside I can think of to this is that if I need to restart the computer (which is pretty normal), we will lose connection and have to reconnect. (Zoom/Google meet can also be connected via phone!)

Last Updated on January 25, 2024 by Emmett Moulton